Tuesday 28 August 2007

What To Do

From September things are going to be a bit different for me. Both children will be at school. Don't get me wrong, i love being with my babies but there are only so many years a girl can spend playing with small plastic figures and doing the same old dog-eared Postman Pat puzzle.

'What are you going to do with yourself?', people keep asking me.

I'm making a list..............

* Redecorate my house - i'm capable of a bit of D.I.Y. which leads neatly on to...
* Masturbate - yes, i'm going to spend some time pleasuring myself any time i feel the need. I'm
going to watch porn as soon as i've dropped off at school and try out lots of sex toys that i
intend to purchase.
* Spend more time doing my voluntary job - the people i work with are inspiring and it makes me
feel worthwhile. It helped me through a really bad patch early this year so i owe it to them.
* Get a full body massage - NOT that sort of massage you dirty minded lot! Although.....
I have always wanted one as i'm quite a tense person, relaxing doesn't always come easy to
* Paint - I could get quite emotional talking about this because sometimes it's at the heart of
what drives me. It is a struggle for me to actually get my materials out. It's a low opinion
thing. No excuses this time because J says he will try and sell them for me.
* Have fun being just me again
* Be a better mother, refreshed by time without them.

And that's about it really. There are one or two other plans i have but you will have to wait to hear about those...........


MommyHeadache said...

I'm going to watch porn as soon as i've dropped off at school and try out lots of sex toys that i
intend to purchase.

I thought I was the queen of not feeling guilty for wanking off while the kids were at school, but I've never gone so far as to watch porn too. You are my hero.

Jackie Adshead said...

Hope you get to do some painting - preferably whilst you listen to the music that makes you cry - you might get some poignant art from it!

dirty thirties said...

Thirty drops the kids off, and then enjoys going shopping with her smart balls firmly in place .. Shopping & orgasms all in one fun packed morning !