Sunday, 2 September 2007

This Life

Strange all this isn't it?
One day you think you know where you are going, future neatly mapped out years ago.
A fork in the road, not marked on this map.
Which direction?
Can you really choose or did destiny set her dates regardless?
I'd like to think i am the one choosing my fate.
Should i trust my judgement? Terrified of ending up on a road i've been down before.
I'll go with my gut. I know my heart and i know my head.


Fire Byrd said...

There's a book called the celestine phrophecy. it is a crap book but it deals with how and where we make our best decisions, our hearts or our heads.And it gets you thinking about what is right for you.
good luck with the decision making. whatever path you go down will be the right path for that moment. which is why we shouldn't regret how things might have been, cause we will never know how the other path would have turned out., if you fancy getting in touch for a meet up

Anonymous said...

When you go with your gut, you're really just following the evidence that you don't always recognize consciously -- that's what I believe anyhow. :)

Anonymous said...

sometimes it best with your gut, but don't we all fall by the wayside, going with our heart, ...

good luck

David said...

La Fille's right, as ever. Sometimes, you've just got to go for it. Whatever your dilemma, I'm sure it'll all work out fine.

Kahless said...

Hi n,
I have an award for you on my Lite Kahless blog; come over to collect it!