Monday 24 September 2007


Sometimes i would like to get what i want without having to ask for it.

I want controlling, instructing, ordering. Let me see a look on your face that tells me you have been consumed by, wrapped up in and completely flooded by lust. Then i will feel it.....passion, heat, thrill and your power over me.....all the emotions that i am discovering are a necessity to me.

Alone i can pretend that i am that girl. She doesn't feel guilty or selfish. She deserves to get everything she desires. She gets more than what she even knew was out there. Do you know why?
Because when someone gives her those things (and as a gift - no pay back required) they get the absolute best of her. Simple but so hard to achieve.

She can be tested, pushed, stretched beyond limits and left in a crumpled heap, panting, exhausted.
She has her eyes open and is breathing it all in, that's why.

So, how can you expect to get what you want if you don't ask for it? What i am struggling with is the fact that i think it has got to be an essential part and at the core of someone to give like that. If that isn't the case then can they learn it? Would it feel as good? It is a base emotion, you either have it or you don't. Am i wrong?


Kahless said...

With patience, some things can be learned and some things can be taught.

Joanna Cake said...

Im learning to ask... but you cant change the habits of a lifetime straightaway x

Blog Archive said...

I don't know if it's at the base of a person, but I'd certainly say it's at the base of a dynamic between two people. You may have to ask at first, but once the dynamic is established, it should become automatic.

I really love the insight with which you describe this feeling: "She doesn't feel guilty or selfish. She deserves to get everything she desires." You've captured a lot of things here that really resonated with me. Thanks--

Suze said...

We are are all human but as such live and learn. One thing I do know is that you are who you are and nobody can change that.- but you can grow. ;)

Anonymous said...

I meant to comment on this the other day, but I was too tired and brain dead. When I read it, I thought: "Ooh! I know this one!"

Unless you start out with matching predilections, this has to be a slow and gradual process. It's one of the things that really fascinates me about relationships, the tiny give and take that turns someone on to our desires. You can tell the other person what you want, and they can obligingly fulfill your desires, but it doesn't really count if they are just going through the motions. You need to get to the point where they have made your needs theirs, worked out how much will work for them, and then made it their own.

Damn, this is so clear in my head, and not when I write it down. Communication is the key. Not just: "This is what I want", but "I want this because it makes me feel like this" - and that last "this" must have some bearing on what the rest of your relationship is like, and what you already know of each other. You have to find a middle ground between what you're both turned on by, without feeling that anyone else is a bit player in anybody else's fantasies.

And when you get to the point where you have worked out where your middle ground is, it matters less if every single button you thought you had isn't being pushed, because there's a newer, bigger, button - and that is that you have created something new, completely and uniquely dependant on the dynamic already existing between the two of you.

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